Articles by Claire

Can I Use My Mind to Heal My Body

Dr. Joan Borysenko, who wrote Minding the Body, Mending the Mind says that: "We are entering a new level in the scientific understanding of mechanisms by which faith, belief and imagination can actually unlock the mysteries of healing." As doctors, scientists and...

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Why Do I Feel Emotionally Drained?

Sometimes when we are not focused our minds gets very busy and we can waste a lot of mental energy. Notice that when you are enthusiastic or excited about something you seem to have unlimited energy. Our minds need to be focused and not scattered. If thoughts are...

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What is the Subconscious Mind?

How can I change the thoughts in that part of my mind? When we talk about the mind, we often refer to both the conscious and the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is your short term, everyday waking awareness. Consciousness is awareness of our thinking, feeling...

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What is OCD and How Can It Be Helped?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder where sufferers experience obsessive patterns of behaviour and/or repetitive thoughts that repeatedly enter their mind, making them feel out of control and mentally/physically drained. The person with OCD does...

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What Can I Do To Help Myself Quit Smoking?

Smokers are often aware of all the dangers of smoking tobacco, and many of them have tried to quit but failed. If you are one of those people, please don’t give up! Know that many smokers fail several times before quitting successfully. Know that your past failures...

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Should I Be Concerned About My Sugar Habit?

Are you a sugarholic? Do you crave sugar and cannot go a day without it? There are many among us who are sugar sensitive, unaware that it’s an addiction like any other. Sugar acts like a drug in the body and affects the very same brain chemicals that morphine, heroin...

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Is It Really Possible to Change?

Yes, of course it is. It’s actually a hundred year old myth that it takes a long time to change. It was Freud and psychoanalysis that heavily influenced this outdated idea. In psychology, we say that thinking affects our feelings, which in turn affects our behaviours....

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How Can I Overcome Procrastination?

Procrastination is defined as habitually putting something off until tomorrow that should be done today. Charles Dickens referred to it as the “thief of time”. For those affected, it can be a frustrating and needless behaviour, yet it is a rare person who does not procrastinate. So why do we do it?

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